"Quick, act natural. You're flying the plan." Barry flicked off the autopilot, putting the aircraft in his co-pilot's hands.
"Wait! Don't…" Ted stammered, grabbing the yoke as Tina entered the cockpit.
"Hi, boys," she said, "either of you need anything?"
"I could use a coke," Barry said.
"And how about you, Teddy," Tina said as she brushed her hand across Ted's shoulder.
Ted released a quick, silent gasp as his body pushed forward on the yoke.
Screams erupted from the aircraft passengers as the plane momentarily nose-dived with no warning. As the airliner leveled out, shouts of panic became screams of anger as the passengers gathered themselves and their possessions.
"Oops," Ted said.
"I'll get you that coke as soon as possible," Tina said, gathering her composure and then straightening her uniform. "It's time for damage control." Throwing on a smile, she exited the cockpit.
"Ladies and Gentlemen," the pilot's soothing voice came over the loudspeaker. "This is your Captain speaking. I would like to apologize for the sudden shock. We encountered a small pocket of turbulence, but I assure you it's over now, and we should have an easy ride for the remainder of the flight."
Flipping the intercom off, Barry chuckled.
"Ted, just ask the girl out before you take down the whole plane."
Running his fingers through his short black hair, Ted sighed. "You just had to take it off autopilot right before she walked in?"
"Yeah, well," Barry let out a hardy chuckle, "I thought maybe if she saw you flying the plane, it might help move things along. I didn't think you'd become a blithering fool."
"Bite me," Ted snorted.
Berry's forehead wrinkled at a slight shift in the aircraft's energy.
"Ted, you feel that?"
Before Ted could respond, the plane shook violently as an engine burst into flames. Black billowing smoke trailed the plane, cutting into the bright blue sky and white puffy clouds.
Tina stumbled into the cockpit. "It's not good, is it?"
"Engine A is lost," Ted shouted above the loud humming noise outside the plane.
The men adjusted toggles and buttons as they pulled on the yoke, working on keeping the aircraft steady.
"Ladies and gentlemen, this is your Captain speaking. It seems we're going to have to make an emergency landing."
"Oh shit," Tina said, holding herself steady against the interior. "see you on the other side, gentlemen," she straightened her uniform and went to work instructing the passengers.
"Mayday, Mayday," Ted flicked the buttons on the radio.
"If everyone could stay calm," Berry continued over the intercom, "we will have you on the ground in..."
The plane wobbled as Berry's body bounced like an inflatable doll. A loud crack sounded as the pilot's head whipped into the side of Ted's chair. Blood poured from a splintered skull as Berry mumbled incoherently.
Ted pulled up on the yoke, unable to control the plane. He felt a moment of weightlessness as another explosion jolted the aircraft before going into a freefall.
"What the hell is going on here?" Ted screamed, working to regain command of the aircraft.
Struggling with the controls, Ted jerked hard forward. An unnatural sense took over him. The hair on his body stood straight up as he saw the back end of the aircraft spinning out into the distance.
"That's impossible," he whispered.
The door to the cockpit snapped open, pushing in a gust of air and a vault of terrified screams.
"Tina," Ted shouted, "What's going on back there?"
"It's...it's...." the terrified flight attendant stuttered.
The front of the plane suddenly turned vertically. Tim hurried to unbuckle his restraints as Tina slipped. Reaching out for her, their fingers touched for only a moment before she flew screaming from the broken plane.
The airliner pulled and twitched, jerking Tim around as he clung to the co-pilot seat with all his might. Inch by inch, his grip loosened until his fingertips slipped off, and his body was jolted out of the plane.
"NO!" Ted screamed, coming to. "What! What!" he mumbled, his mouth full of cotton.
"Now, now," a pretty blond dental assistant placed her hand on his shoulder. "That pesky tooth won't bother you anymore. Mr. Mallory will be in to see you in a moment."
"You look a little pecked," Barry said as he and his co-pilot prepared for a flight. "Did you get that tooth taken care of?"
"Yeah, and I"'m just feeling a little off."
"Hello, ladies and gentlemen, this is your Captain speaking. I'd like to welcome you to flight..."
Ted's mind wandered back to the images left from the surgery. Going on instinct, he performed his duties while watching for any disturbances.
There was a light knock on the cockpit door just before it opened.
"Quick, act natural. You're flying the plane." Barry flicked off the autopilot, putting the aircraft in his co-pilot's hands.
"Wait! Don't…" Ted stammered, grabbing the yoke as Tina entered the cockpit.
"Hi, boys," she said, "either of you need anything?"
"I could use a coke," Barry said.
"And how about you, Teddy," Tina said as she brushed her hand across Ted's shoulder.
Ted released a quick, silent gasped as his body pushed forward on the yoke.
Original Story from the mind of Mia Lyttle Twysted