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Mind's Eye on Violence

Mia Lyttle Twysted

The world is a beautiful and magical place full of wonder and curiosity. 


Oh, bite me. 


There is an equally horrific and horrendous act for every mystical and enchanted encounter in this world. With so many hurt, wounded, and damaged people, it's incredible that the human race is still kicking. 


Violence isn't just a tool we writers use for entertainment; it is a fundamental element of our core. We could cut out our eyes and tear off our ears to avoid seeing and hearing the horrors in the world, but we can't rip the violence from our minds. 





How satisfying would it be to approach that person who wronged you and punch them square in the face? Would it feel even better to press the gas pedal to the floor and plow your vehicle into their frail and feebly body, causing them not death but a lifelong association with pain? Why settle for one final punishment that releases them from this world? What if you could trap them in a cycle of discomfort and despair that lasts for years? 


Think of how beneficial it would be to you as a pick-me-up when you're having a bad day. Who doesn't get a little rush by watching the bitch who fed the sliver she cut from your heart to her demon dogs screaming out for release? The actual time image of them praying for death to come would make you feel so alive. 


What kind of messed up psycho are you to think about torture and death in such a way? The answer is a normal one.




Though it is not considered acceptable to say that we are somewhat morbid creatures that get a cheap thrill when we see someone suffering, it is the way it is. 


There isn't a person alive who hasn't, at one point or another, had intrusive thoughts run through their mind at random and inappropriate times. Is it a symptom of our shadow self? The little devil inside us trying to break free? Or is it just our way of working through something?


Just having the thought harms no one. However, it can leave the person who had it distressed, shamed, and scared. I was often shaken by the suggestions my mind provided. 


There are many mysteries to the brain that we don't understand, such as the timing and content of the thoughts that run through our mind. Science can't yet explain why we have these random thoughts or why the majority of them are based on violence. However, contemplation over the subject is essential in realizing what's vital and sometimes sensible. 


Is it better to play it all out in your head like a movie, slicing and dicing the poor helpless souls around you so you don't commit mass murder or just commit mass murder? The bars on the prison windows and shared bathroom tell me my answer. 






Unvoiced intrusive thoughts are red-flagged by society. We are groomed to keep these thoughts to ourselves. Speaking them leads to punishment, embarrassment, and a heavy amount of being judged. You become labeled, the subject of gossip and disgrace.


For some, dark and destructive thoughts are their downfall. They give in to every thought and desire. They seek opportunities to commit their sick and dirty deeds. However, most people are disturbed and disgusted with themselves for even thinking thoughts that go against their values. 


Not every thought that crosses your mind needs to be taken at face value. We don't take our dreams at face value. Why the random thoughts that run through our minds? 


Reality is changing. Like a Facebook page, it puts its best face forward and hides all its flaws and unique characteristics. This inaccurate presentation conveys to the up-and-coming generations a false perception of life and people.

Why not accept that unscrupulous ideas are the mind's way of helping to guide us? When you evaluate a situation, you are more likely to handle it better than if you jump in with your eyes closed and hope for the best. Those random and intrusive thoughts help us cycle through daily life's pain, anger, and confusion and purge us of dangerous and disruptive impulses and emotions. 


Trying to live up to the false persona of reality harms the mental health of the human race. We can only overcome the hurdles in life if we accept the wicked as part of them. We are destructive and morbid, yet, at the same time, fantastic. An oddity if ever there was one. 


So ponder over the vial and sinister notions that dash through your mind. Indulge in a bit of fantasy. Then let it go and move on, hopefully, with some clarity about the messed up shit that happens on this planet. 

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