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Skinned Alive

Mia Lyttle Twysted

A fingerprint
There are three main fingerprint patterns: Arches, Loops, and Whorls

It's hot, it's been a long day, you're fighting with your spouse, and some asshole just cut you off in traffic. You growl as you imagen peeling the flesh off the offender's bones with your bare hands. You cackle under the moonlight as you dance around the fire, wearing their skin as a cape. Severe acts of torture have served humanity throughout history. Torture has been used to keep the masses in check and reinforce good and acceptable behavior. There is a large market in the world that revolves around our skin. We use lotion to keep it smooth, tanning beds to change its color, and sunscreen to protect it from the sun. It's our shell, surface, and exterior; within that shell is a working environment. The most prominent and heaviest organ, it has three layers: epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis. These layers produce new skin, allow us to feel pressure and pain, help us regulate heat and cold, and even create patterns for our fingerprints. Without our skin, we cannot survive; if nothing else, we would eventually freeze to death once the flesh is peeled off.

a foot with skin being peeled off
Make sure to loosen the skin before you peel it off

STIRP THE FLESH FROM THE BONES It is crucial when skinning a person that you tenderize the skin. You want it loose and pulled away from the body. You can accomplish this in two ways:

  1. Stand them out in the sun till their skin is burnt

  2. Boil them alive

Though both are excruciating, I believe drying them in the sweltering heat of a Southern sun would inflict the most torture. Once your flesh is ready, bind your volunteer by their ankles and wrists across an elongated table or platform. You will want to make long, calculated cuts along the torso and extremities. To inflict the most pain in this process, start at the jawline, which houses the most pain receptors. Once the cuts are made, you pull off the flesh by hand. The unfortunate-skinned soul will feel tremendous pain as their nerve endings are ripped apart. Their brain will release endorphins and eventually go into shock from lack of blood. Having their nerve ending torn apart, they will lose the sensation to feel. However, some live on for days before they succumb to death. It may be long enough for them to see how you utilize their flesh by making a lampshade, binding some books, or making a lovely summer jacket.

Victim knocked out
This Torture Method is Still Used Today.


Skinning alive, also known as flayed, has been used throughout history to punish traitors, frighten enemies, and conduct ritual sacrifices. It is part of folklore, legends, and art. The dark nature of humans means that this brutal method of torture is still carried out today, and as it is a rather large task, someone is either really pissed or highly dedicated. In 1998 a 23-year-old woman went missing; the harshness of her death wasn't discovered until her remains were uncovered by a sailor on a tug boat who found her skin floating on the water nineteen years later. In 2019, a drug cartel skinned a man alive and streamed it so the world could see.

A evil main doing evil deeds
Society has been formed and structured around torture.


The need to punish those who have done wrong is within us all. Some feel it stronger than others, but everybody feels it. Punishment and torture have served society by helping to build its structure. Using forms of torture to teach limits and lessons. When we lash out at those who have wronged us, we want to clarify the consequences of repeating the violation. We try to shake it off, but that little voice deep in your head whispers that you need that light, young, elastic flesh for your newest vision, ear-skinned high hill shoes; but it is a lie; you don't need it. DO NOT SKIN PEOPLE ALIVE. However, the image and small movie your mind creates for you as a second-place prize will always be yours to enjoy whenever and wherever you like.


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